Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pre-Christmas Shopping Anxiety

I try to not leave Christmas shopping until the last minute, but I usually do anyway.  Some people are difficult to shop for.  I know I am one of them.  There are other people who are difficult to shop for and remain within a budget.  There are others who are members of my (extended) family whom I have no choice, but to admit that I barely know them.  I eat Sunday dinner with them at my parents' house.  I have gone to Baptisms, Holy Communions and Confirmations and usually given money as gifts. 

Particularly when I was younger, I appreciated receiving money as gifts.  I got to buy my own things with it and I knew I would like the things.  As an adult, I have been guilty of taking the easy option and giving a card with money in it.  It finally occurred to me what I am saying when I give cash.  I am saying that I don't really know the recipient very well. 

At least when I have given a gift card to a store that carries a specific type of merchandise, I am saying that I may not know exactly what you want, but I know you're into clothes, electronic gadgets, musical instruments or food.  Giving cash says that I don't know anything about the recipient.  I am just giving something because I am supposed to give something and don't want to give something entirely incorrect for the occasion.  It's really odd to examine how my perceptions have changed.  I used to appreciate the monetary gifts more than the material gifts.  Now I am embarrassed to give money as a gift because it means admitting to myself that I don't know the recipient as well as I should. 

Even though I may not know the recipient as well as I should, I don't want to "get it wrong".  Giving money may not be exactly right, but I also know it's not going to be wrong.I guess there are worse things.

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